Wow, it has been two years of items I never could have foreseen. When we bought this building, it seemed like the perfect building in the perfect spot. We knew we could make it into the perfect kitty cat place for our friends and the kitties with a little elbow grease and my great construction team. There are lots of small businesses all over Lakeland. I just didn’t figure we would need a fire sprinkler system and need to tear up the street to get it. Not to mention all the other inspections, dejections and 27 8 x 10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one. Well, we passed all those. We are in the final stretches putting the final touches on this website and figuring out how we are going to charge the heck out of you for the coffee and yummy goodies. They will be so good you won’t even care. You’ll leave with a smile and a kitty. Its just a couple more weeks. We’ll see you soon. Lol
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